Sector-7, Ramakrishna Puram
New Delhi - 110022

The idea of setting up a Kalibari was conceived in 1967 at an informal meeting of some members of the Phalguni sangha Club of Sector 7, Ramakrishna Puram. The Club organized a Durga puja the same year on an open ground. The puja went off well, but there was little surplus fund and which to initiate the building of a Kalibari. The members were undaunted and the search for a site continued. One winter morning, one of the pioneeras came to the ground at the foot of Swami Malai hillock and felt that the undulating land,a little above the ground level, but not too high, could be an ideal place for the abode of Kali. The Welfare Association of sector 7, Ramakrishna Puram heartily endorsed the idea.
A temporary temple was constructed on Saturday the 13th July, 1968 under heavy downpour and an idol donated by Srimati Purnima Gupta was installed on the same day which the organizers started worshiping regularly. This small image is now preserved in the permanent temple as ADI DEVI.
There were some objections from Delhi Development Authority against the construction of the temporary temle and demolition action was initiated. Not only the members resisted, their housewives of the area came forward too. On one occasion when the men were away at their work, women kept the demolition squad at bay. B.K. Handa and family resisiding close to the Kalibari gave remarkable service.
In July 1968 an adhoc committee was formed for the Kalibari Association with the Late Shri. Nalani Ranjan Ghosh, M.P as President, Chitta Basu M.P as working President, Anil Kumar ghosh as Secretaty and Durgajati Bose as Treasurer. Nalani Babu got the demolition proceedings stopped and moved the Minister for the allotment of land to the temple. A committee was formed of Sarvarshi Bose H.K., Chanda M.L., Chatterjee B.K., Dutta S.K., Ghosh Anil Kumar and Sen P.C, to draft a suitable constitution. The draft prepared by Shri.Dutta S.K was ultimately adopted with suitable modifications. Certain provisions of the constitution were consciously kept flexible with a view to cater to the growing need in changed circumstances.
The first elected Excutive committee was formed in December 1969 with Shri. Kishore Kr. Palit as the first General Secretary. On the death of Shri. N.R. Ghosh, Shri. N.C. Chatterjee was elected as the President. The association got registered. Shri. V.V.Giri, President of India visited Kalibari during the celebration of Durga Puja in 1969. Shri.S.K.Kanjilal, retired member of P & T Board and resident of vasant Vihar becam fully involved in the Project.
After the demise of shri.N.C.Chattrejee, he became the president and continued till 1977. His wife shrimati Gouri Kanjilal donated most of her gold ornaments for the Goddess.
In 1977 due to the continued illness of Shri Kanjilal Shri.Ashok Krishna dutta, M.P. was elected as president of the Association and Shri.R.K.Chatterjee took over as the General Secretary. They continued till 1980. For one term Shri.J.Mukherjee was the working president and for the next Shri.S.S.Basu. During this period the land got registered in the name of the Association and in March 1980 its legal possession taken. Also a temporary office building containing two rooms and a room with facilities for the priest were constructed. During 1980, Shri. Manash Dutta took over as the General Secretary of the Association and Shri.S.samaddar as the president temple complex comprising of the temple and the pilgrim shelter, at an approximate cost of RS.25 Lacs were built.
A Devlopment Board was constituted in early 1982 with Finance Minister Shri.Pranab Mukherjee as Chairman (now our chief patron) for the construction of the temple complex. The most active members of the Board were Shri.Pranab Mukherjee, Shri.S.Bose.Mullick, Shri.Shiv Prasad Sammadar, Shri.Manash Dutta, Dr.A.K.Gupta etc.On the basis of the model of the temple and other documents prepared by M/s.S.Ghosh & Associate , Architects of New Delhi, the Urban Arts Commission approved the concept of the temple. The Delhi Municipal Corporation ultimately approved the temple design in January 1984 although application was submitted in October 1982. This was for the first time in Delhi that a temple design was approved both by Urban Arts Commission and Delhi Municipal Corporation.
Bhit Puja of the temple was performed on July 20,1983. On November 7, 1983 the foundation stone was laid by swami Ranganathananda, vice President of Ramkrishna Math & Ramkrishna Mission in the presence of Shri Pranab Mukherjee and many other distinguished guests. This marked the beginning of the most active phase in the history of this Kalibari. On the “Snan Yatra” ‘Tithi of Lord Jagannath, i.e. on Thrusday, the 11th June 1987 the Dakshin Delhi Kalibari temple was consecrated with the installation of Goddess Makali, Lord Shiva & Yugul Murthi of radha Krishna.
In 1991 Dakshin Delhi Kalibari Trust was formed for the first time with Shri.Pranab Mukherjee, Shri.S.Bose Mullick, Shri.S.Samaddar & Shri.Manash Dutta as members of the Trust.
The temple complex, as approved by Urban Art Commission etc. Comprises of the Main temple including Discourse Hall, Pilgrim Shelter, Library, Dispensary, Durga bedi, Open Air Theater etc. Due to paucity of funds buildings for temple with Discourse hall and Pilgrim Shelter only could be completed in the first phase of Devlopment work so far. Second phase will start after collection of adequate funds.